Welcome to Liftpictures fotosystems.eu: photo- and videosystems worldwide.

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Development, sales and service of a modern system for the configuration of photo systems, photo points, event systems and photo booths.

Since 2006 on summer and winter toboggan runs, lifts, water slides & wild water runs, roller coasters, fly & zip lines and roller trails; as well as in museums, exhibitions, trade fairs or as mobile installations on promotional tours, balls or road shows.


Easy. Cheap. Good.

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Three different camera systems with a resolution of up to 24 MPixel.

Aqua Shooter Liftpictures

modern camera systems for all kinds of attractions

Various dialogue and sales systems, including self-service machines with the most modern payment functions:

  1. Coin management (6 types of coins incl. Change function)
  2. 3 types of banknotes and RFID bank and
  3. credit card terminals


Fotoautomat von Liftpictures

self service sales machine – model 3 from 2015

The simplest construction from tried and tested industrial components ensures a long service life, very little maintenance effort with low follow-up costs.

Fotoautomat von Liftpictures

selv service machine by Liftpictures

We rely on standard industrial components such as Shuttle PCs, here during the completion with CPU, RAM, SSD and W10 in our office.

Wir setzen auf Shuttle Industrie PCs

Liftpictures with shuttle pc

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